We Come Back to Play

Playground products shown in video may not be appropriate for every age group. Playsystems shown in video are for demonstration purposes only. Product configurations may vary.
This video encourages us to look back on the moments that define our childhood. Our best moments often began in play. And that’s why we always come back to play.
[video: scene fades into a time lapsed sun rising behind a Hedra® play structure. Screen fades to black as white text in the center of the screen reads “Remember the moments.” Fade into a young girl walking towards the camera smiling and laughing. A woman’s voice begins to speak.]
Voiceover: Remember those moments that got your heart racing, your imagination swirling, your body moving?
[video: a girl runs and jumps of a dock into a lake. Children climb on the ropes of an Eclipse® Net Climber. Four children hold hands as they run and jump into a pile of leaves.]
Voiceover: Remember laughing until your stomach hurt? Feeling like you could do anything, daring yourself to do more.
[video: a boy tilts his head back laughing. A girl riding a on the disc swing of a ZipKrooz track ride smiles as she reaches the landing pad. A girl climbs up onto a rock climber. Scene switches to a girl as she swings from rung to rung on a monkey bar set. Scene switches to a girl running through a sprinkler.]
Voiceover: Our best moments, the moments that define our childhoods begin in play.
[video: a young girls hair blows in the wind as she sits down on the background decking. Scene switches to a boy smiling while he swings on a Hedra® Swing Frame. Scene fades into a girl joyfully gliding down a slide.
Voiceover: When we were carefree fearless. Excited, exhilarated, when we were together.
[video: the camera pans forward through a shroud of water where a boy clings to the post of the Aquatix® SprayShroud. A toddler is helped out on a Wobble Pod® Bouncer. Scene switches to a young girl in her wheelchair as she laughs with her friends on a playground. Scene switches to a girl holding a camera facing towards her. She plugs her nose as she slides down a water slide. Scene switches to a girl as she holds onto the hand hold of the inclusive, We-Go-Swing. Scene switches to two girls smiling for the camera as white text appears on screen reading “Together”.]
Voiceover: Today we come back to play. To summersault into a new adventure, we come back to play.
[video: kids smile as they spin on a tire swing in slow motion. Scene switches to a girl smiling for the camera. Scene switches to a girl as she does a cartwheel. A boy smirks at the camera. Scene fades to black and back into a girl climbing to the top of a rock climber raising her hands up in accomplishment and smiles up at the warm sun.]
Voiceover: To let our hearts and minds swing open, we come back to play.
[video: a girl smiles at the camera as she hugs a playground post.
Voiceover: To climb to thrilling new heights. But mostly we come back to play to simply have fun.
[video: A girl climbs up a rock climber to the playground decking. Scene switches to a boy as he climbs up an AdventureScapes® rock climber. Scene switches to a boy as he hangs from a rung on a monkey bar set. A girl spins on a TopsyTurny® Spinner in slow motion. Scene switches to a view up to two boys as they spin together on a Stand-Up spinner in slow motion.]
Voiceover: Because what we do today creates the memories we’ll always come back to.
[video: a young girl sheepishly smirks at the camera. Scene switches to a girl as she stands up and swings with her friends on the inclusive, We-Go-Swing™. A girl’s face is illuminated by the light of a sparkler she waves in the air. A girl raises her hands as she glides down a slide. Scene switches to a young girl as she runs through a grassy field. The sun sets behind her as she runs to lift her kite into the air. White text appears middle of the screen reading “Play”.]
Voiceover: And so, we always come back to play.
[video: screen fades to black as the Landscape Structures logo appears. The text below the Landscape Structure logo fades away. A horizontal white line appears with the number fifty below it. The logo fades as playlsi.com appears in the center of the screen.]
In 2021, we added the third installment to our Shaped by Play video series. Building on the first two videos, We Come Back to Play encourages us to remember the moments that defined our childhoods. The best of those often began in play. That's why we at Landscape Structures design playgrounds that encourage kids to try new adventures, let their hearts and minds swing open, and simply have fun. That's why we always come back to play.
Watch our video from 2021 above, then see the full trilogy using the button below.