AEC Cares Partnership

Landscape Structures, AEC Cares Renovate Chicago’s South Side School
June 25, 2014 — Architecture and construction professionals from around the nation will gather on Wednesday, June 25, as part of AEC Cares projectChicago to renovate the Metropolitan Learning and Wellness Center on Chicago’s South Side to provide a safe place for underprivileged young children to stay during the day while encouraging an early interest in learning. The day of service, sponsored in part by Delano, Minn.-based Landscape Structures Inc. and its Illinois-based playground consultants, NuToys Leisure Products, Inc., will occur the day before the 2014 AIA National Convention opens in Chicago. The newly created Metropolitan Learning and Wellness Center will include playgrounds for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, and provide on-site coordinated services through a team of experts including early childhood educators. The Center greatly benefits families in Chicago’s Englewood communities, which are among the most challenged areas of the city.