Iola Kiwanis

Landscape Structures, Kiwanis International Award Iola Kiwanis $25,000 in Playground Equipment through Make a Difference Through Play contest
June 21, 2013 —One deserving Kiwanis club has been chosen as the winner of the international Make a Difference Through Play contest, sponsored by Landscape Structures Inc. and Kiwanis International, for their essay submission describing why their community needs a new playground. The winner is Iola Kiwanis in Iola, Kan., which will receive $25,000 in playground equipment from Landscape Structures.
The City of Iola is situated along the Neosho River in Southeast Kansas. With a population of nearly 5,700 residents, Iola is the largest town in a tri-county area. The City’s main recreation space, Riverside Park, is home to many amenities including a pool, athletic fields, and a playground. The $25,000 award will allow the opportunity to create a playground that will accommodate children and families with special needs. By collaborating with other local organizations—M.O.M., Iola Pride Committee, Iola Wal-Mart volunteers, and many more—Iola Kiwanis plans to install a safe and inclusive play environment that will welcome all abilities.
“We are so excited to receive this $25,000 award to be used towards our inclusive playground,” said Michael Ford, Iola Kiwanis member who spearheaded the contest entry. “Community members, past and present, have supported our club through the entire process, and I know that they’ll help us bring this playground dream to fruition. I’m excited to start laying the groundwork for plans. I speak for the entire Iola Kiwanis club when I say how much we appreciate this award.”