2013 KRPA Conference & Tradeshow

KRPA Focuses on Making Recreation and Parks a Priority at 2013 Conference
Jan. 24, 2013 — Landscape Structures Inc., along with its playground consultant in Kansas, ATHCO, L.L.C., is proud to sponsor Keynote Mike Shellito, a retired employee of the City of Roseville, Calif., at the 2013 Kansas Recreation & Park Association Conference & Trade Show in Manhattan. Shellito, a leader in city government and parks and recreation professions for more than 35 years, will discuss how to put people first by using place-making principles to create parks, facilities and recreation programs that are more successful.
Shellito retired as city manager for the City of Roseville, Calif., where he also served as the parks and recreation director. He has received numerous awards for his innovative and progressive approach to management, including the NRPA’s Distinguished Service Award.