IPRA 2013 State Conference

Indiana Park & Recreation Association Takes the Path to Progress at 2013 Conference
Jan. 9, 2013 — Landscape Structures Inc., a Delano, Minn.-based commercial playground manufacturer, along with its playground consultant in Indiana, Countryside Play Structures, LLC, is scheduled to exhibit at the Indiana Park & Recreation Association 2013 State Conference, which will take place from Jan. 16-18 in Bloomington. The conference, themed "The Path to Progress," will feature Lori Hoffner, a nationally recognized speaker on youth program development, employment and staff engagement as well as community issues, as the keynote and presenting speaker. This learning experience was made possible through the 2012-2013 State Association Speaker Scholarship program from Landscape Structures.
Lori will present "Hey Coach; Positive and Practical Ways to Work with Athletes and Parents." In her address, she will offer youth sports staff and volunteer coaches practical tools and techniques to work with vocal and challenging parents. Additionally, Lori discusses how to give young athletes a positive and memorable sports experience. Lori’s session will be both humorous and insightful as she engages attendees in thought-provoking exercises.
The 75-minute session will be presented on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 9 a.m. Following the session, delegates will have the opportunity to visit Countryside Play Structures and Landscape Structures in the exhibit hall to learn about the latest trends in playground design, including custom and theme designs, concrete as a playground material, and creating truly inclusive play environments.