YWCA Family Village Issaquah
Issaquah, WA USA
Playground Details
Age Ranges
- 5 to 12 years
Play Styles
- Arched
Product Lines/ Categories
Min Area Required
- 44' x 47' (13,41 m x 14,33 m)
Max Fall Height
- 88" (2,24 m)
Design/CAD Files for this Playground
Design Standards

Price Range (USD)
Bridges & Ramps
Motion & More Fun
Blender™ Spinner
Chatter Noodle® Talk Tubes
E-Pod® Step
Noodle Pod® Step
Power Lifter™ Chinning Bar (w/o Post)
For more information about items included in this playground
Contact Your ConsultantThis Evos® playsystem is located in the middle of the YWCA Family Village, giving it a very urban look. To complement the setting, playground planners chose a modern color palette and innovative playground components to engage kids ages 5 to 12. The playstructure provides kids with lots of climbing and bridge challenges, plus opportunities for thrills on the many spinners.
Installed: April 2011
We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.
Playground consultant for this project
2104 SW 152nd St Ste 1
Burien, WA 98166
Phone 206-932-6366