Eastmark Great Park
Mesa, AZ USA
AZ - Eastmark Great Park
Video features Eastmark Great Park outdoor playground in Mesa Arizona.
[video: scene begins with a full view of the PlayBooster® tower at Eastmark Great Park. Children play on the many climbers and slides located all around the tower. The camera pans down a WhooshWinder® Slide as a girl rides down the spiraled slide. Two girls shout as they race down the two slides of a custom Gemini SideWinder2®.]
Girls: Ahh!
[video: the camera pans back to the girl as she reaches the bottom of the spiraled WhooshWinder® Slide. Scene switches back to the two girls reaching the bottom of the Gemini SideWinder2® slides. Again, the scene switches back to the girl sliding down and reaching the bottom of the WhooshWinder® slide.]
[video: two children play under the shade of a SkyWays® playground shade on a TightRope™ Bridge and the SwiggleKnots™ Bridge. Scene switches to two boys as they climb down from the playground decking to a Hillscape climber. A boy’s feet steps across the rungs of a Sunbeam climber. Another boy climbs up the unique rungs of a Lollipop Climber.]
[video: camera pans across the PlayBooster® playground as children climb and play on the many playground activates under the protective SkyWays shade system. Camera focuses on a boy as he climbs the crisscrossed ropes of a Trailblazer Climber. Scene switches to children as the walk and run across the waved Hillscape Climber. A boy runs up to the climber to talk to his friend.]
Boy: I don’t care.
[video: the camera fallows a girl as she walks across the waved Hillscape Climber. Scene switches to a young boy as he speaks to the camera about the playground.]
Boy: My favorite part about the park is the zip line.
[video: full view of the two ZipKrooz® zip line bays. A girl glides down the track in the closest bay to the camera. Camera switches to a second boy as he speaks to the camera about the playground.]
Boy 2: I’m ten and my favorite thing is the rock wall.
[video: the camera pulls up and away from a GeoPlex® climbing wall as the boy climbs to the top. Camera switches to a third boy as he speaks about his favorite activate on the playground.]
Boy 3: My favorite part about the park was the awesome slides.
[video: two girls race down the custom Gemini SidWinder2® slides. Camera switches to a young boy on the playground as he speaks to the camera.]
Boy 4: The monkey bars.
[video: a boy and girl swing past each other on a Wave Horizontal Ladder monkey bar set. The camera focuses on the young girl as she reaches for the next rung and smiles. Camera switches to a girl on the playground as she leans over to speak to the camera.]
Girl: Probably the swings.
[video: the camera pans down the length of the long swing set of the park. Many children swing together or the large swing set. Scene switches as the camera pans around a young boy as he plays at a Fun Mirror Panel®. Another boy run across a Weevos® Boppity Bridge®. Scene switches to a boy climbing to the top of a GeoPlex® climbing wall.]
[video: camera shoots down the center interior vertical climbing ladder of the playground tower. A girl steps onto the playground deck to climb up the ladder. Scene switches to a young boy as he climbs on a Mobius® 3-Paneled climber. Camera zooms around a girl as she sways back and forth on a Bobble Rider™ spring ride. A boy spins slowly on a Saddle Spinner as the camera circles him. Scene switches to a girl as she swings a leg out to begin spinning on a Gyro Twister® Spinner.]
[video: with a top down bird’s eye view the camera briefly follows a boy as he jumps on the disc swing of a ZipKrooz® zipline bay. Camera switches to being mounted in front of the boy on the zipline swing as he glides down the track. Scene switches to the camera mounted higher on the swing pointed down at a different boy as he rides down the ZipKrooz® zipline. The camera mount switches for a third time with a top down view of a boy’s head as he rides the ZipKrooz® zipline. The scene finishes with a boy reaching the landing pad at the end of the ZipKrooz® bay.]
[video: the camera is mounted to the rope of an Assisted Bucket Seat Swing of the ZipKrooz® Assisted bay. Shooting down at a child’s feet as they glide down the track the camera switches to a front facial view of the boy as he joyfully rides. Scene fades to a group of boys as they dance for the camera in front of the park playground. The screen fades in and out as the boys change their dancing styles. The boys smile and wave to the camera. Screen goes white as a single black line appears in the middle of the screen. The playground rep company Exerplay logo slides out from behind the back of the black line simultaneously as the Landscape Structures logo slides out on the opposite side. Text fades in below both logos reading: For a better tomorrow we play today.]
Playground Details
Design/CAD Files for this Playground
Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.Design Standards

Price Range (USD)
Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
Eastmark Great Park delivers a unique aesthetic with a custom playground tower. The space age-looking roof tops the tower with four thrilling slides. To get to the top, there are GeoPlex™ climbing panels, the Cascade Climber, overhead ladders, bridges, various play panels and lots more. Plus, a custom bridge climber challenges both bodies and minds. In addition to the play spaces for kids ages 5 to 12, a space for toddlers and preschoolers is complete with a Weevos® playsystem and Mobius® Climbers. Playground swings help round out this sprawling playground design.
Installed: September 2018
We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.
Playground consultant for this project
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