The First Wheelchair-Accessible Swing

Playground products shown in video may not be appropriate for every age group. Playsystems shown in video are for demonstration purposes only. Product configurations may vary.
Video features the inclusive wheelchair accessible We-Go-Swing.
[video: scene fades into a mother as she pushes her son’s wheelchair onto the We-Go-Swing. She turns her son’s wheelchair around and backs him up into the specially designs wheelchair location. She then lowers the two hand holds down into the swing position. The mother steps back and sits on the bench across from her son and lowers the bench hand holds down into the swing position. The boy and his mother begin to push and pull on the hand holds; they begin to swing. The camera switches to different views all around the We-Go-Swing as they swing.]
[video: three children join the young boy on the swing, two sitting on the bench while a girl standing in the middle. The boys mother helps the children swing by pushing on the back side of the bench seat. The camera focuses on the children as they smile and laugh while they swing together.]
[video: scene switches as a woman in a wheelchair joins the children on the We-Go-Swing. She sits in the middle of the deck holding onto the swing handles. They all push and pull to keep the swing moving. Camera switches a bird’s eye view of the We-Go-Swing. Scene switches again to the children swinging together as a mother pushes the swing from the outside. The camera focuses on the boy in his wheelchair. He smiles with joy as he swings with his friends.]
[video: a man wheels his wheelchair up to the We-Go-Swing. He positions his wheelchair into the swing’s wheelchair location. He lowers the hand holds and him and two girls begin swinging together. The camera focuses on how the mans wheelchair stays put while he swings. Camera switches to a focused view of the man’s hands as he pushes and pulls the swing hand holds. Scene pulls back to a full view of the We-Go-Swing as they continue to swing. The camera jumps to different views of the We-Go-Swing components.]
[video: the camera focuses on the bottom of the swing as it glides over the PebbleFlex surfacing. Camera pulls back to a full view of children swinging together. Scene switches to the camera across from a young girl seating in her wheelchair. Here and a young boy swing together on the We-Go-Swing. The camera focuses on the young girl as she smiles while swinging. Scene switches children swinging together on the We-Go-Swing. The scene switches to the camera across from the young boy seated in his wheelchair swinging. He speaks to the camera.]
Boy: I am five years old and I think this swing is amazing. I like to swing also because any wheelchair person can go on it and any person that doesn’t have a wheelchair can go on it. Yeah, and we can all play together.
[video ends.]
Introducing We-Go-Swing®
We’ve always designed for inclusive play. Now, we’re introducing a whole new way to play for all. The We-Go-Swing® is the first no-transfer inclusive swing that can be integrated into the playground setting and invites kids of all abilities to get in on the fun.
Opportunities for All: A truly inclusive playground experience, the spacious entry deck for the accessible playground swing can be connected to a ramp for easy roll-on access, and there’s no need to transfer from a mobility device to take part in the fun. Plus, there is plenty of room for children of all ages and their caregivers to sit and/or stand together and enjoy a ride.
Fun Social Interactions: Because the handlebars help move the swing, all users can actively contribute to the motion. With all kids on board the working together, it’s a collaborative effort that builds cooperation and creates fun for everyone.
Beneficial Movement: With all children helping to create the swinging motion, they all get the benefit of actively engaging muscles throughout their bodies while building their motor planning skills, strength and balance.
Part of the Action: The swing can be situated within the play area, making it a welcoming and integral part of the full play experience.

Model #277778 - For Ages 2 to 12

Model #277778 - For Ages 2 to 12
Playground products shown in video may not be appropriate for every age group. Playsystems shown in video are for demonstration purposes only. Product configurations may vary.